SEE learning is a vital part of human development, equipping students with the skills, abilities, tools, and knowledge to build positive relationships, solve problems, make intelligent decisions, and achieve the necessary level of self-awareness apart from providing an excellent foundation for academic success. 

By taking it as the main ingredient and crucial part to be a person who can fit in this society comfortably and peacefully. Our school provides SEE learning to all the students by scheduling it for two periods every Saturday.

 Our main reference to give instructions on SEE learning is the hand book published by Emory University. We have divided and assigned different chapters of that handbook to different classes. For class 7 we practice classroom compassion and resilience building and for class 8, strengthening of attention and self-awareness as well as dealing with negative emotions. Class 9, self compassion and class 10 system thinking and so on till class 12.

We have also assigned class teachers along with a non-class teacher as helpers to take the responsibility of first learning themselves by reading, researching and then to help the students to practice it. The main practicing methodology is mostly based on activity method.

We followed this for the entire 2023-2024 session and in 2024 – 2025 the same tradition is being followed with more improvisations and modifications for the hope of better results. 


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Workshop on SEE Learning and CBCT    (Cognitively -Based Compassion Training)

Funded by DANIDA through CICED