Wednesday 29 May 2024



On 25th May, the 8th standard students visited the Science Centre at Palampur as part of the 2024 STEM excursion program. This event was sponsored by the Department of Education (CTA).

Saturday 25 May 2024


 Today, the Junior section hosted the English Sing-a-Song program. Students from 4th to 6th grades, as well as the OC class, participated in this vibrant event. The program showcased the singing talents of young learners, providing a platform for them to express themselves through music and song in English. It was a delightful and engaging event that highlighted the enthusiasm and creativity of the students.


Two days prayer were held during the Vesak Day. (saka dawa).


Tuesday 7 May 2024



འདི༌ལོའི༌བཞི༌པའི༌ཚེས༌སུམ༌ཅུ༌ཉིན༌གོ༌པུར༌བོད༌ཁྱིམ༌སློབ༌གྲྭར༌སྔ༌བཞིན༌ཡིག༌གཟུགས༌འགྲན༌སྡུར༌ཞིག༌གནང༌བའི༌ནང༌དུ༌འཛིན༌གྲྭ༌བཅུ༌གཉིས༌ཡོངས༌རྫོགས༌ནས༌རྩེ༌ཕུད༌གསུམ༌དང༌། བཅུ༌པ༌དང༌དགུ༌པ༌ཡོངས༌ནས༌གསུམ། དེ༌བཞིན༌བརྒྱད༌པ༌དང༌བདུན༌པ༌ཡོངས༌ནས༌གསུམ༌ལ༌ཆེ༌བསྟོད༌ཀྱི༌བྱ༌དགའ༌ཐོབ༌པའི༌སློབ༌མའི༌མཚན༌གཞུང༌།

༡) བསྟན༌འཛིན༌འགྱུར༌མེད། བཅུ༌གཉིས༌ཁ༌པ། ༢) ཡིད༌མཛེས༌དབང༌མོ། བཅུ༌གཉིས༌ཀ༌པ། ༣) ཚེ༌རིང༌ལྷ༌ལྡན། བཅུ༌གཉིས༌ཁ༌པ།
༡) བསྟན༌འཛིན༌ཚེ༌བརྟན། བཅུ༌པ༌བུམ༌པ། ༢) བསྟན༌འཛིན༌མཚོ༌མོ། དགུ༌པ༌བུམ༌པ། ༣) བསྟན༌འཛིན༌མེ༌ཏོག། དགུ༌པ༌དུང༌དཀར།
༡) བསྟན༌འཛིན༌དབང༌ཕྱུག བརྒྱད༌པ༌དུང༌དཀར། ༢) ལེགས༌སྐྱེས༌ཚེ༌རིང༌། བདུན༌པ༌བུམ༌པ། ༣) ཚེ༌རིང༌དཔལ༌འཛོམས། བརྒྱད༌པ༌དུང༌དཀར

Saturday 4 May 2024



On May 4th, our school hosts an anti-bullying day where we organize presentations in our hall. This celebration holds significant importance as it aims to educate students about the impact of bullying and the importance of fostering a supportive and inclusive environment.


 The past month April was regarded as English month in our school and we celebrated the month with lots of activities and programs all with the objective of creating an English environment to our students.

Our energetic English department organised various different programs like
* Open innovate : A platform where students can express their feelings on different dimensions in the form of speech using English language.
* English writing festival:
A competition on self composed Essays and poems.
* Poetry competition :
A healthy competition where students composed their own poems and recited themselves.
* Debate competition:
On topic - Emotional intelligence should be given equal importance as traditional subjects in the school curriculum.
* Spelling bee:
A dictation based compitition to enhance the vocabulary and spelling of the students.
The month was also consist of various morning assembly programs organised by English department on every Mondays. There where different speechs of some powerful speakers delivered by students, some book reviews, a group action song ( you raised me up), mass quizzes and a motivational speech by department's chairperson Gen Kunsang Dorjee la to ivoke interest of book reading to all the students who are non readers or initial readers and also suggested some books with interesting facts written in simple language.
* our department also maintained a strict rule of maintaining 100% English speaking zone inside the senior section academic block.
The month was concluded with the assurance that more than 65 students have participated in different programs of entire month .

Thursday 2 May 2024


ཕྱི་ལོ་༢༠༢༤-༤-༣༠ ཉིན་མོར་་བོད་ཁྱིམ་གོ་པལ་པུར་གཞི་རིམ་འོག་མའི་འཛིན་རིམ་སྔོན་འགྲོ་གཉིས་པ་ནས་འཛིན་རིམ་དྲུག་པ་བར་གྱི་བོད་ཡིག་ཡིག་གཟུགས་འགྲན་བསྡུར་གྱི་འདྲ་དཔར་ཁག།