the history of Tibetan Children’s Village School Gopalpur, the inter-house
opera competition among the four houses was being organized for the third time
by the Games and Sports Committee chaired by Mr. Molam who is also the
headmaster of the senior section. The opera practice among the houses had
started from May 1, but we had to discontinue the practice session because from
June 1 to June 10 the school will remain closed for summer vacation. We resumed
our opera practice session after the summer break and continued till June 19,
thereafter we set June 20 & 21 for rehearsal shows and June 22 was left
open for hall preparation for the said competition to be held on June 23. This
time the housemasters and students did face some problem as we didn’t get mentors
on time coming from Tibetan Institute of Performing Arts (TIPA). Anyhow in the
last four days it was made possible to have a mentor for each house with our
sincere requisition made to TIPA Director. With their gracious extended
support, our students got chance to get to perfection in dancing and “Namthar”and
dramatization of Tibetan Yogi Milarepa. The life history of Milarepa was
divided into four parts and each part was given to each house for performance
through draw of lot.
give you a brief account of Jetsun Milarepa, the great Tibetan yogi, he was born
to father Mila Sherab Gyaltsen and mother Nangsa Kargyen in a village called
Kya Ngatsa in Gungthang. His father on business trip when received the news of birth
of male child from his wife, overjoyed and named the child as Thoepa Ga,
meaning “Pleased to hear the news”. After the death of father Mila
Sherab Gyaltsen, Thoepa Ga’s family had to undergo tremendous problems caused
by aunt and uncle. Mother Nangsa Kargyen out of desperation had to send her son
Thoepa Ga to learn black magic to take revenge with the aunt and uncle. Thoepa
Ga had successfully completed his black magic studies and was successful in
taking revenge with aunt and uncle as his mother wished for.
having accumulated huge sins, he regretted at his action and resolved to go for
receiving tantric teachings from Master Marpa Lotsawa for the attainment of
enlightenment. Having met master Marpa, when Thoepa requested for his teachings,
Marpa refused because he wanted to test Thoepa Ga’s perseverance and tolerance
before Thoepa Ga was given initiations and teachings. Marpa made him work for years before Thoepa Ga
was admitted as his student. Master Marpa wanted Thoepa Ga to get purified all
his sins before Thoepa Ga was ordained as monk. Atlast, Master Marpa gave all
teachings and initiations of all the profound doctrines of Buddhism that one
needs for achieving enlightenment.
guest of honor for the inter-house opera competition was the Kalon for
Department of Education – CTA Mr. Yutok Karma Gelek. The honorable guest gave
the prizes to the winning house and laid emphasis on preservation of our rich
heritage in his speech to the students after the program. He also likened the
way TCV Gopalpur has been striving for maintaining our culture in tact through
providing cultural education to the students and advised to keep the trend for
the upcoming Tibetan generation to retain our identity. Furthermore, the chief
guest urged everyone to take interest and learn our language because he says
language is the back bone of one’s nation..