The first terminal examination for TCV School Gopalpur got started from 22 to 27 July, 2013. The summative one for students of grade IX and X got started a week earlier as per common date sheet. Thereafter screening meetings for different classes were held as per schedule planned in the meeting held earlier. On August 8, 2013 the result was officially declared in the hall during morning assembly in presence of home mothers, hostel warden and matrons and school principal.
The result was declared class-wise and names of the failures were also announced in the audience.Class VII D was declared as the best class in terms of students’ performance in the first term exam and simultaneously the worst performed class too was declared. After the formal announcement of class-wise result, then student’s individual prizes were given away by the school principal. The list of failures from respective classes were prepared and got struck on the soft board for students’ information and urged them to come for special evening self study to be commenced from August 9, 2013.
Failures and compartmental students will be forfeited from going for second Saturday. The principal congratulated those who came out with flying colors and urged them to perform better next time. At the same time, failures were warned. Failures have been asked to show consistency in their studies and bring improvement before the second term examination. The detainees were reminded that if they could not show good result in the summative two, they would be suitably guided into vocational training which means the closure of gate of scholastic education for them. On the evening of August 8, 2013 all subject teachers have attended the specially arranged meeting between the teachers and parents of students to get the concerned parents informed regarding the poor performance of the students and also to make parents feel the responsibility of their kid’s learning.